12/06 2021

AWS CEO Adam Selipsky shares latest AWS products, services, and stories of “Pathfinders” at 2021 AWS re:Invent

Adam Selipsky, the CEO at Amazon Web Services (AWS), delivered a live keynote on 30 November to unveil the new services from AWS, covering fields of computing, ML, networking, data, and industrial applications. Guest speakers from global companies including Nasdaq, 3M, Dish Wireless, United Airlines are also invited on stage to talk about how they find new paths with AWS services. 

475 instances now available for different workloads

At this highly-anticipated keynote speech, Selipsky introduced a myriad of new launches covering a wide range of areas. AWS now tops among other cloud providers with a total of 475 instances. These instances, ranging from compute, storage, CPU, memory, and system-based services, are the driving wheels of movement to the cloud, adding more momentum to the growth of cloud computing across industries and the globe. 

Delivering better price-performance

At the beginning of the keynote, Selipsky introduced the next generation, AWS-arm-based Graviton3,  which is capable of processing more workloads and delivering 25% faster performance, and up to 60% more efficient than its predecessor, Graviton2. 

For Machine Learning, Trn1 on EC2 instances are introduced. As quoted by Selipsky, Trn1 will deliver the best price-performance for training deep learning models. Another highlight for machine learning is the launch of Infr1 on EC2 instances. This instance will deliver high-performance ML inference at the lowest cost, allowing users to save up to 70% cost inference compared to the existing GPU-based EC2 instances. 

Networking and industrial applications 

While 5G and IoT offer low latency and high bandwidth, the development of networks can be quite complicated. With the new launch of AWS Private 5G, now users can build and scale a private network in just days. “Start small, and scale if you need,” noted Selipsky. The AWS Private 5G is ideal for building networks in factories and workplaces, as users can connect as many devices as they need, all customized to their needs. 

Unlocking the power of BI, for everyone
Democratizing ML is an important part of our work, said Selipsky. The newly launched Amazon SageMaker Canvas helps users make predictions, even if they do not have any experience or code knowledge. 

A modern data strategy 

This year, AWS also has new launches for different stages of the data journey: Databases, Datalakes, Analytics, and Machine Learning. Given the growing complexity of data sources, Selipsky introduced the general availability of transactions for governed tables in Lake Formation. It will automatically fix the errors to ensure data consistency. 

To help users dig insights from data, the new serverless and on-demand analytics on Amazon Redshift, EMER, MSK, and Kinesis is launched to offer more flexibility when it comes to data analysis. 

For higher security, Selipsky announces the general availability of row and cell-level security for Lake Foundation, to ensure data accessibilities are always in the hands of the right group of people.  

Embark on a new journey with AWS 

Dubbed as the “Pathfinders” by Selipsky, global companies Nasdaq, United Airlines, Dish Wireless, and 3M showcased how they work with AWS to solve the challenges and complete critical missions. 

These Pathfinders are using AWS to redefine the wheels of capital, manufacturing, travel, telecommunications, manufacturing markets. The range and depth of AWS enable companies to move on from costly legacy systems to scalable and “pay-as-you-use” models. The diversity of AWS instances also enable companies to build specific applications and reach their goals, from digging data insights to creating better customer experiences.  

List of new instances introduced at re:Invent 2021